It’s not something guys are always comfortable discussing amongst themselves – so let’s put it out there. Horizontal neck rolls appear as a single or several horizontal lines on the scalp itself or at the nape of the neck. This condition can be associated with being overweight or indicative of a condition called Cutis verticis gyrate. This medical condition causes deep furrows and grooves on the scalp, and unfortunately, there is no known cure. Irrespective of the cause of the folds and furrows on the scalp, the situation can be problematic and give rise to skin infections, discomfort and irritation.
To combat the adverse side effects, adopt a suitable scalp hygiene routine to avoid potential issues or complications. Make sure you clean the area at least once a day, more if your skin tends to be problematic. Using a hygiene soap, clean the area well and ensure all the folds and furrows are adequately dried. Damp areas = problem areas. Next, use a reputable cream or lotion to moisturise the skin, ensuring it stays supple and healthy. If there’s any evidence of infection, odour or severe irritation, ask your clinic, pharmacy or doctor for a short-term medicated ointment to apply to problem areas.
Another challenge related to these conditions is the issue of hair removal. A scalp’s uneven “landscape” with ridges and grooves can be difficult to navigate with traditional equipment like razors and clippers. Unfortunately, what should be a routine experience can result in painful nicks and cuts and the risks of infection that go along with it. A hair removal lotion like DX Smooth Zero Hair is a solution that works very effectively. Follow on-pack instructions carefully to ensure your skin’s safety and achieve optimal results. And that includes doing a patch test! Apply the product onto clean, dry skin, wait the required time and remove with a clean, damp cloth. Ensure all lotion traces are removed from the skin and rinse the area thoroughly.
As best practice aftercare, we recommend using DX Smooth Bump Shield Treatment Cream. Apply to the head twice daily for 48 – 72 hours after removing hair. Besides nourishing and moisturising the scalp, the cream retards the development of bumps and ingrown hairs, soothes any inflammation, and destroys any harmful bacteria.